Monday, January 21, 2008

Every little side road in Yuma county is full of big trucks going back and forth from these harvesting machines. Some of the larger fields have 6 or 8 of these in a row, all moving right along the rows. The heads are cut, trimmed, and put on a conveyer belt to put them up into the boxes on the trucks.
There are many different kinds of lettuce and other crops constantly being harvested. Men and women, probably well over 90% Mexicans, maybe they all are come to think of it. They all are nice friendly people and good workers. Since it's very close to the border here, they bring bus loads in to work every day, then they go home at night.
These ladies are cutting heads off Cauliflower. The main harvest machine is farther ahead of them. Another lady just to the right of these, and closer to me cut off a couple heads for us, you can see them in the next picture.
Fresh Califlower in the trunk of the Helix. As fresh as you can get! When we stopped to take a picture of the harvesting, one of the Mexican ladies bent over, cut these heads, put them in the plastic bag, and held them out to me. I walked over there (just a few feet) and she motioned for me to take them. I went back and handed them to Pat, who was sitting on the scooter, then took out a couple bucks to give to the lady. She was very emphatic........No! No! and just smiled. So we're thankful for the fresh food. I didn't feel like asking if she had a green card or not............

Saturday, January 19, 2008

This little guy works hard. He's dug up a lot of dirt in our "grass" by the trailer. The Doves like to come in and pick in it for something, don't know what. It was nice today, I spent some time riding the Helix around town. Went to the National Sand Drags too, but there were hundreds of vehiles parked in a soft sand lot, it was very dusty and dirty, and didn't look like something we wanted to do, so I came home and go the scooter and went for a ride.
A few animals, then lettuce fields all the way to the mountains. They are harvesting now, but they are always harvesting something here. One crop right after another.
Our new pet Dove. There are a dozen or so that hang out in front of the 5th wheel here. They are pretty tame. Julie loves to chase them. this one was right next to the trailer when I rode in on the Helix a while ago. He just moved about 10 feet to this fence, the others left for awhile.
Another new Red Hat Lady store in the Arizona Swap Meet. There are several here now.
There is a lot of truth to this! But, when you see the thousands of RV'er driving around Arizona, it make you wonder where all the money comes from..............
Last month the manikans were all wearing skimpy stuff. Since it January, they had to break out the coats!
They even have sizes to fit some of the Snowbirds!
This Roadrunner outran me for several minutes before I could get a shot of him. He ran around a building, then came to this fence. He actually climbed up and over it. I barely had time for this quick shot before he was gone. These are large birds, bigger than they look in this picture.
Cool shirt. There were lots of new ones in the shops this year...more stuff, more expensive too!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Carl and Ed, we're on an adventure to Seligman, on old Route 66. It was in the 40's when we left this morning, Carl only wears a t-shirt with a sweatshirt over it! He's tough. Ed has on a warm coat. I had on long johns, long sleeved shirt, electric jacket liner and large down coat. insulated riding pants and heavy boots. They must be tougher than me..
We were going to visit Bagdad, AZ today, but will save that for another time. We had a fine ride, and good lunch. I just can't get enough of "The Mother Road".
This is a pretty good sized boat. How and why it's out here in the desert, I'll never know. Maybe the trailer broke down, and this is where the boat ended it's life.
Not too many years ago, this was the only truck stop on this section of the highway. Now there are none.
There was a row of gas stations and stores here in Truxton. We'll stop here on the way home to take some more shots. This is Ed's. "smoke break". Just like riding with Don (VSP) :-)
Just another business that is shut down along the highway.
An old '50 Ford in Truxton. There are many old cars here, mostly broke down along the road, and ended up in places like this.
Yes, it does snow in Arizona! However, we have bright sunshine and it's about 60 out now.
Ed, on Route 66...riding in the high country...Snow is a few days old on the roadside.
Our goal of the day. 85.5 miles from the house in Kingman to here in Seligman. I-40 crosses Route 66 here. Route 66 goes on East to Ash Fork. We're stopping here for lunch.
This was our lunch stop....Thanks Ed and Carl, excellent choice..and special thanks to Carl for picking up the tab!
Entering the Road Kill cafe...still snow on the ground!
Some of you SEVROC boys (and girls) would know what to do with a jug of Moonshine this size!
I think every business on this old highway has a gift shoppe with tourist things for themselves and Route 66. The food here was good and plentiful. Not real cheap, but worth what you paid. In fact, since Carl bought our lunch, it was VERY good
There is a Road Kill Cafe in Sturgis, one here in Saligman, and a few others I've ran across around the country. Don't know which is the original, they probably all claim to be
The bar in the Road Kill has a back room with a lot of antiques and more stuffed animals. Probably been a lot of "animals" in here over the years.
Somehow this bar looks like a place Brillo would like..Lots of dead animals around. some of the guys drinking in here this morning looked like they had been here for YEARS!
This Moose looks larger in person than it does in this picture!
More mounted animals in the Bar of the Road Kill Cafe.
I doubt if this street ever looked like this, but the tourists like it.
General store, gas station and cafe in Seligman.
We're at about 5500 feet here, just West of Seligman. The snow has been here for several days in this shady spot. Temperature is in the 50's. Much warmer as we went back toward Kingman to the West.